Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Turning yellow

My two Prairie Fire plants took some time adjusting to their new shared pot and during that time all visible growth halted but now they are both branching out quite aggressively. Meanwhile a rise in temperature brought by the current heatwave has encouraged my Bolivian Rainbows to start ripening their first 5-7 pods which have now entered "the yellow stage". I might have to trim the ones growing on the windowsill a little as some of the branches are reaching over my chair.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Purple pods

Nothing too radical happening on the chillie front, just steady growth on all the plants. So far all of my plants have remained bug free. I think it's largely due to the fact that I live so high up from the ground floor and perhaps I've gotten a little lucky with the other plants on the balcony as they seem to have been bug free. Last week the 4th plant started to grow its first pods so all of them are producing fruit now.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Getting fruity

Past weeks heatwave has persuaded the Chichen Itza to ripen its first and so far only pod. It's a small one falling about 6cm short of the average size of the fruits in this plant. The plant hasn't been looking well lately so getting a ripe pod still feels nice even if it is only 2cm one. On the balcony the first Bolivian Rainbow has begun to grow pods. The first plant to germinate grew the first pods too, makes sense.