Sunday, August 25, 2013

Prairie pods


We've had a couple of clearly colder nights now with the temperature dropping to 7°C. I've cut all the excess branches from the plants I have on the balcony and the ones that have pods have been cut right after the last decent sized pod to hurry the ripening process.

Indoors the Prairie Fire has it's first red fruit. The plant got a little too much water when I was going away for a week and decided to give it some extra water since the week was supposed to be really hot but halfway through the week it turned to rain and high humidity. It's not affecting the pods but pretty much stopped the flowering dead on.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


My Bolivian Rainbow plants on the balcony have passed the midway point of producing their pods. They haven't flowered in a while and have given me a pretty nice harvest so far. The plants themselves don't look as great as they did earlier but the blame on that could be passed on to pesky aphids finding their way on to our balcony. It was a nice bug free 3-4 months but now they are becoming a real issue.

I don't plan on doing anything special about them this late in the season apart from cutting away the branches that look the worst. Trimming the bushes down was always the plan for me but I might have to check out if I have to do something to the dirt to make sure I don't bring pests indoors when the time comes.